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Cancer Yoga Therapy

Knowledge is Power

The Society for Integrative Oncology (SIO), the American Society for Clinical Oncology (ASCO), and the Oncology Nursing Society (ONS) recommend mind-body practices to support individuals with cancer and survivors.

What is Yoga Therapy

for Cancer?

What are the Benefits of

Yoga Therapy?

Yoga Therapy is an integrative medicine approach that EMPOWERS people living through cancer to regain a sense of control of their mind, body, and spirit.


Yoga Therapy provides tools to help with the healing process and reduce suffering.


Living Yoga Therapy's Mission - Help people learn how to help themselves as they learn to live with their "new normal'.


  • Boosts immune system to help you fight cancer and recover from treatment side effects

  • Reduces chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting, hot flashes, cognitive impairment, and fatigue

  • Relieves and reduces fear, anxiety, and depression to optimize healing

  • Stretches and gently strengthens muscles

  • Relaxes and restores the nervous system, improving quality and quantity of sleep

  • Provides tools to reacquire a feeling of control over the healing process

How We Help

At Diagnosis:  Help individuals to calm their minds after hearing a diagnosis.

Starting a Treatment Plan:  Work with individuals and their care team to create a plan to optimize their treatment.

At Different Stages:  Support individuals with strategies to slow advancing disease symptoms.

Transitions:  Provide tools to decrease suffering.


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