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What is Yoga Therapy for Parkinson's?

Yoga Therapy is an integrative medicine approach that EMPOWERS people living with Parkinson's Disease to regain a sense of control of their mind, body, and spirit.


Yoga Therapy provides tools to help with the symptoms of the disease, build confidence, keep an active and healthy lifestyle, and enhance quality of life.


What are the Benefits of

Yoga Therapy?

  • Improves posture, coordination, and movement to reduce risk of falls

  • Visibly reduces tremors

  • Loosens tight and painful muscles and increases flexibility

  • Strengthens muscles, such as the core, to counter rounding shoulders and forward head

  • Improves strength and sound of voice

  • Relaxes and restores the nervous system, improving quality and quantity of sleep

  • Decreases anxiety, fear, and depression

  • Provides tools to help reacquire a feeling of control over life

Knowledge is Power


The American Parkinson Disease Association (APDA) states that Yoga Therapy has been shown to visibly reduce tremors and improve the steadiness of an individual's gait.

How We Help

At Diagnosis:  Help individuals to calm their minds after hearing a diagnosis.

Starting a Treatment Plan:  Work with individuals and their care team to create a plan to optimize their treatment.

At Different Stages:  Support individuals with strategies to slow advancing disease symptoms.

Transitions:  Provide tools to decrease suffering.


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